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Tuesday, December 20, 2005 

DISCLAIMER - boring but necessary

This site is presented for general information only. It should not be read as investment advice. Any opinions expressed here are mine (or those of the commenter or advertiser, if applicable). I do not represent, warrant, or guarantee the completeness, accuracy or timeliness of the data or information provided, and I shall have no liability to any of this site's users, or to any other party, arising out of any incompleteness of, inaccuracies in, or untimeliness of such data or information. I expressly disclaim all warranties of the fitness of the data and information, and computations and analyses thereof, for a particular purpose or use. In no event shall I have any liability of any kind for any damages, even if notified of the possibility of such damages. There are no express or implied warranties of any kind with respect to the data provided. This is a personal blog only and is not associated in anyway with my current employer.

Thanks to Reflections on Equity Research for the above language.

about the author

    Equity research provides the daily bread. Industries include finance, healthcare, capital goods and tech. An odd and broad list indeed, although I look forward to gaining expertise. Pre research time spent as a Fortune 500 treasury analyst. Degrees in both finance and political science; working on CFA (level II candidate) and CPA (ACC classes at night). I love big business...mile high vantage point style commerce. I love high finance.